Saturday, August 31, 2013

''kesetiaan dan kejujuran'' words of wisdom that i've got from someone..kekeke^_^

assalammualaikum y'alls..hmm..

setia??faithful??or trustworthy??kejujuran??
what do u guyz know what was that meant to ya...

for me lah kan...setia is somethin' about u are loyal..yeah...setia hujung nyawa katakan..
in my opinion wikiminian lah kan kan kan...setia pd seseorang yg telah Allah ketemukan pd kita it's kinda when kita loves someone...syg dia..blajar trima dia seadanya's what they called setia..kita xkan pandang org lain selain i right??

yeah..i wanna be 'setia' as what i'm sayin right loyal.
saya rase saya dh blajar sesuatu dari dia yg Allah mempertemukan kami utk setia...insyaAllah..and i hope so..kekeke
he's kinda cute and very religious..(btol ke religious??)hentam je la...heheheh
when it comes to solat..he's always said:''jom solat dulu..""...and ''abg nk solat dulu ek''..etc..
yeah..dia mmg baik insan nya dan sentiasa mengutamakan solat.
Alhamdulillah..saya bersyukur jumpa 'abg'(in the words means dia la)yg gempak bagus cmni..

now dh mcm love story lah plak..hahaha
actually...that's what i mean..setia lah dgn org yg kita syg..appreciate them..hargai dia...
wanna know why??
Allah dh bg kita seseorang yg x terduga...(mungkin)btemu dgn kita dan menerima kita what i am..and then we should be i right??
be loyal to him..her..or whatever..kekeke

then when it comes to 'jujur'...
i think that jujur is we have to be honest to him or her so atleast he or she knows what we're tryin to say.
saya rasa jujur kinda need a trust..''kepercayaan''..yeah.
if kita rasa ada sesuatu x kena..or else..cuba bterus terang dan kongsi apa pmasalahan sbnr..
kan kan...
atleast kita express..mluahkan apa tfikir tbuku dlm otak dan hati kita ni..
kadang2..we need a friend to hear what we feel..what we express all in to all out.
even dgn encik ''abg'' tu pn saya nk mluahkan sesuatu yg tbuku dlm kepala ni..huu..
ksian encik 'abg' tu kdg2 smpai tkena marah hamuk saya x memasal..oh dear...
i'm so sorry ya en 'abg' penyu...hehe..btul2 maaf tau.
miss u encik 'abg penyu' tuuuu..haha..(gewdiks sgt mehh)
hehehe...(romantic sikit)
what i'm sayin??
romantic kerr??pfft

 i think if we want to be honest la real honest..jujur sejujurnya of what u feel inside..
let it out guyz...
u know what i'm sayin???
i said:''LET IT OUT!!''
then u'll be ok..ek??
ask ur mom dad...bro or or gf...fiancee or hubby or wife to hear what u feel...right??
if not..
get wudhuq and ask a do'a to Allah swt and u'll be calmly and peacefully let it go by away..
kan kan kan...kita hidup ni apapn kna bserah dan tawaqal pd Allah..
if no one gonna hear u or us..who will??
as for sure...Allah swt always beside u..accompany u everytime if u have faith in HIM.

yeah..fever never ends this moment...mmg sengal..
maybe Allah loves HE want to test my strength in my ibadah..wallahualam..
i guess..insyaAllah..
and again..
why am i miss encik 'abg penyu' so much??
yeah..maybe Allah want us to meet in a day..hahaha
dont know mehh..wallahualam.

so see ya soon..

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